Festival Summary
Junior Festival is an annual event sponsored by the National Federation of Music Clubs. We participate in the Manassas Area, which has an average of nearly 1500 students participating every year. Festival is very supportive and encouraging. It is a great opportunity for students to feel the accomplishment of progressing, to receive feedback from teachers other than their own, and to receive rewards for their efforts.
This year Festival will be held on February 22, 2020 at Manassas Baptist Church and the Rock building. Each student will be assigned a time slot in which they must be in their assigned room for an hour. During that time, they will play a piece of music from a required list from their level as well as a choice piece selected by the student and teacher. The students and their families have the opportunity to listen to other students at a similar level also assigned to that time slot. Two teachers (not their own) will be in the room evaluating the student's performance against a standard set of criteria. Students are not rated against each other; their performance is rated individually. They receive one of the following ratings: Superior (5 points), Excellent (4 points), Very Good (3 points), Good (2 points), or Poor (1 point). Points are accumulated each year. Trophies are awarded at 15 points, 30 points, 45 points and 60 points. Certificates are given each year. The rating sheets are given out within several weeks of the performance.
For more information, click here.